Associate tutor
maryrose Basketball
Shoes casey I undertook my phd with the theatre and drama program
at la trobe college or higher education graduating in 2002.My thesis was
developed as creating frames;Recent indigenous theatre 1967 97 by university of
queensland press in 2004.Born to run was awarded the australasian drama, theatre
and association rob jordan prize, 2006, and co winner of the association for
study regarding australian literature
walter mcrae russell
award 2005. Prior to joining the centre for theatre and gratification i was an
australian research council postdoctoral fellow at the australian studies
centre, or even of queensland 2005 2007.My research focuses primarily on
racialised performances as a site of cross cultural conversation and negotiation
between communities.In this particular focus, my interest is in the initiation
and presentation of public performances framed as cultural representations and
the ways those representations are read and understood and translated into the
historical record and social memory through narratives of culture and race.My
interests include both practices within formal action frames such as theatrical
contexts and informal frames such as on the street.